Análisis de un comunista ruso sobre el alto el fuego en Ucrania-Novorrosia

Etiquetas: Espacio postSoviético
Nuestra lucha no se trata de una mera elección estrecha entre opciones electorales dentro del actual régimen, sino de apostar por formas de organización económica y espiritual, cualitativamente superiores a la civilización burguesa, donde se garantiza la emancipación del proletariado y la democracia real. Es la lucha popular por la conquista de la civilización socialista, partiendo del estudio científico de las bases materiales que lo posibilitan y con el objetivo último del comunismo.
Etiquetas: Espacio postSoviético
Um intento de impedir a toma de Mariupol, fazendo chantagem com a sua vida, Porcoshenko vai a Mariupol para que os milicianos se abstenham de tentar tomar a cidade com medo d o matar!!!! E os milicianos ainda foram cair na armadilha d aceitar o estupido cessar fogo que só favorece Kiev!!!!
Assim fala um nazi, Avakov, fala claro sobre a manha e truque para ganhar tempo com o cessar-fogo, como não tem nenhum intento de dar independência ou sequer federalização na Novorossia, e que o seu real objectivo é a Rússia, derrotar e depois Putin!!! No cúmulo do ridículo fala ainda que a guerra actual que serve o propósito de limpar a Novorosia e a Rússia já foi prpearda pelos anzis há décadas, incrível isto, se puderem ler, leiam e traduzam, deixo-vos apenas estas pérolas de Avakov em que deixa claro o que se pretende com o cessar-fogo!!!
The so-called ceasefire
On the subject of the ceasefire, Avakov had to say right off the following: “The agreed ceasefire is nothing but a clever cunning on our part in order to achieve what we want, which is to win.” To this effect, the ceasefire is but a small tactical measure; the strategic goal is to overthrow “Putin, the tyrant” and to change the system of Russia itself. This real greater objective and the current war in Ukraine were “planned for years and even for decades.” If so, then the personality of Putin is used both as a cover and symbolic shortcut for this decades-old plan.
However, “the current balance [in Donbass with the rebels on the attack] is absurd.” The junta’s and its handlers’ expectation was that the uprising in Donbass would have been defeated by now. That’s what Avakov himself stated some three weeks ago in a similar interview. However, what happened in the meantime, according to Avakov, dramatically changed the situation. Avakov claims that Russia introduced its own heavily armed troops into the conflict. The situation thus radically changed in the course of August when “Russia inserted 6-7 battalions with 4-7,000 troops.” Without this Russian aid, “we would have won by now,” Avakov argues.
According to Avakov, any recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics as autonomous, administrative, or political entities is completely out of question. For Avakov and the junta, the republics are “terrorist” organizations, “bandits.” “I don’t think,” he said, “that any agreements made [by Kiev] will [ever] recognize the Donetsk or Lugansk Republic.” In his view, there is, therefore, “nothing for [the junta] to talk about with these DNR and LNR bandits.”Or as he also put it:, the junta sees the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics as nothing but “bandits who serve global interests of the empire of evil,” which is for him Russia.
pero que chovinismo el del "partido""comunista" de la federeacion rusa. ni clases, ni imperialismo... verdaderos reaccionarios gran-rusos
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